#001653 – 15 de Março de 2024
Escreve Susan Neiman em “Left Is Not Woke”:
I am not an ally. Convictions play a minor role in alliances, which is why they are often short. If my self-interest happens to align with yours, for a moment, we could form an alliance. The United States and the Soviet Union were allies until the Nazi regime was defeated. When the U.S. decided its interests lay in recruiting former Nazis to defeat communism, the Soviet Union turned from ally to enemy. What interest led millions of white people into plague-threatened streets to shout “Black Lives Matter”? This was no alliance, but a commitment to universal justice. To divide members of a movement into allies and others undermines the bases of deep solidarity, and destroys what standing left means.
E escreve Franco “Bifo” Berardi em “After the Future”:
Connectivity and precariousness are two sides of the same coin: the flow of semiocapitalist production captures and connects ellularized fragments of de-personalised time; capital purchases fractals of human time and recombines them in the web. From the standpoint of capitalist valorisation, this flow is uninterrupted and finds its unity in the object produced; however, from the standpoint of cognitive workers the supply of labor is fragmented: fractals of time and pulsating cells of labor are switched on and off in the large control room of global production.
Quando li a passagem de Neiman lembrei-me de imediato do livro de Franco Berardi. Cada um dos autores marxistas fala de coisas diferentes, nestes livros. Mas um e outro têm uma visão da acção collectiva semelhante. Para Susan Neiman não é suficiente sermos aliados, é preciso o comprometimento que vem apenas quando assumimos a causa como nossa. Para Berardi, é desoladora a ideia de sermos átomos indiferenciados, numa sociedade que nos isola, e que nos conectamos como peças semelhantes de uma máquina que nos ultrapassa, que nos instrumentaliza e controla. Franco “Bifo” Berardi diz que é preciso a conjunção, não apenas a conexão. Escreve o autor italiano:
Conjunction is becoming-other. In contrast, in connection each element remains distinct and interacts only functionally. Singularities change when they conjoin; they become something other than they were before their conjunction. Love changes the lover and a combination of a-signifying signs gives rise to the emergence of a meaning that does not exist prior to it. Rather than a fusion of segments, connection entails a simple effect of machinic functionality. In order to connect, segments must be compatible and open to interfacing and inter-operability.